Klanginstallation »Places And Spaces In Berlin«

Soundscape composition for chair installation
[22:22 min, 7 channels]

The piece contains places in berlin, recorded in August, 2018 (binaural).
The following list corresponds to the sequence in the piece:

• glass rubbish collection, Korsörerstr
• various metro trains, doors, people talking
• Sony Center: fountain valves without water, people talking.
• passing moped and airplane, kurt-schumacher-str.
• Accordionist playing Bach‘s Fuga in subway station Hallesches Tor
• Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism, Scheidemannstr
• Rain at raw site, revaller-str
• Karaokebar, Mauerpark
• footsteps in berlin

5 Channel Dome
2 Channel Transducer attached to the backrest and seat of the chair

Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen

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