The great honor became my part, helping Robin Minard to set up his new installation "ON AND BETWEEN" in the foyer of the Philharmonie Luxembourg.
Thank you Robin!
The installation was presented in the foyer from 06.11.–04.12.2017.
A short documentary film about the construction of the installation, with an interview with Robin Minard (by James Chan-A-Sue)
"Der kanadische Klangkünstler Robin Minard verwandelt den Raum zwischen den charakteristischen Säulen der Philharmonie Luxemburg in eine Klanginstallation. Mit hunderten kleinen Lautsprechern erschafft er im weiträumigen Foyer einen intimen Raum zarter Klänge, der die Architektur der Philharmonie hörbar und zugleich neu erfahrbar werden lässt." (Philharmonie Luxemburg)
James Chan-A-Sue also wrote a very nice text about the construction and the atmosphere during our common time in the Philharmonie. CLICK HERE